Category archives: Hidden Truths

National Boss’s Day

Many leaders carry heavy loads. They oversee many employees and guide their careers, too. While their position holds them responsible for a department, business, or organization and leading it to success, their list of responsibilities is multifaceted.  #BossDay recognizes the hardworking boss overseeing the workplace. You can celebrate your bosses in…

1st Annual Grape Stomp

Come join us on November 4th for Hidden’s first Annual Grape Stomp. Stomp will begin at 12pm, cost will be $10 a person which includes T-Shirt for you to stomp your footprints onto. #ncvineyard #yadkinvalleyAVA #SurryCountyNC #ncwineries #mayberrync #Wine #downtownmountairy #YadkinValleyWine #ncbusiness #ncwinery #ncvineyards 


Have you ever been to our vineyard or others and wondered why there are rose bushes planted at the end of the rows of grapes? We have had plenty ask, so here is a little explanation.  🌹Not only are they beautiful but there is a reason:🌹 The main reason why…